Greetings Fellow Adventurers!
In 3 weeks, we will be “easin’ on down the road”…”followin’ the Yellow Brick Road,” heading for the magical Enchanted Rock, setting up camp sites, preparing the “Space” and awaiting the magical 11-11-11. If you have never been to the Enchanted Rock State Park, TX or if it has been a long time since you were there, here are some web links you might enjoy:
Even though everything about the Awakening Tribe is “unscheduled,” here is a rough idea of the happenings set for Friday, November 11, 2011:
1. For day trippers, the Park opens at 8 AM, and we are targeting 10:00 AM as a meet up time. When you check in at the Visitor Center and get your pass, ask where the camp sites for Robert Daniel are. That way you will have a point of contact if you don’t see some of us in the parking lot. There are limits on the number of people they admit to the Park so keep that in mind as you make your travel plans.
2. We will be setting the stage for the magical 11-11-11 and establishing positions for the amazing soundings! You will hear a gong when we begin the soundings and another gong when we move from OHMMmmmm into silence as the time moves past 11:11. Cool–huh?
3. We will gather for sharing (perhaps with Peter and the 12) and then have lunch.
4. After lunch, is Talking Stick. This Talking Stick is marking a very special “time” for each of us as we move into “Knowing Who We Are and What We Want.”
WHAT TO BRING IF YOU ARE THERE FOR THE DAY.. Not limited to, but including…
lawn chairs, blankets and/or pillows to sit on
warm clothing and rain gear (we will be meeting even if it rains)
your sense of humor – just in case
lunch, snacks, etc.
drums, rattles, etc.
ceremonial things for the altar
sun screen, binoculars, cameras,
hiking/climbing shoes
your 2 year old who still knows about FUN!
WHAT TO BRING IF YOU ARE CAMPING: NOTE: If you are camping and don’t know what to bring to camp, you will probably win the “best comic relief” award 🙂
Get your camping pass at the Visitor’s Center when you arrive
Ask for Robert Daniel’s camp sites locations
Someone in the group will help you find the perfect spot for your tent
The sites are already paid for so just pick up your camping pass
Hold the energy space for those of us who will be there for Friday only
21 DAYS AND COUNTING! Join us in person if you can and if not, join us in Spirit!
Love ya,
Kay and Jan